Vor ca. 2 Wochen hat mich irgendein Insekt gestochen & ich habe extrem darauf reagiert. Ungefähr 5 Tage später kam dann mein SOS Packet an & ich habs sofort getestet. Zuerst das Spray & dann das Gel & es ist innerhalb von einen Tag schon besser geworden (zweite Foto), das dritte Foto zeigt wie es sich nach 5 Tagen Anwendung verbessert hat.

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Aloe Vera facial before/after surprising!

An afternoon cocooning with our range of facial care with Aloe Vera. A real feeling of freshness, hydration, a smooth skin and free of impurities. The pictures speak for themselves!

Rash around the belly button

Thanks to the propolis cream, the rash is gone in a short time. And no more itching.

Dry ice combustion

I have inconveniently burned myself on dry ice in my main job. For those who don't know, dry ice has a temperature of -78.5°C. Accordingly, it hurt a lot and was swollen. Of course I was afraid that there would be a scar. I sprayed the Emergency Spray on it several times a day for the first few days and then switched to the Concentrate Gel. And what can I say. After 2 weeks everything is as good as healed.

Wundheilung beim Pferd nach nur 2 Wochen Behandlung

This horse came to me at the beginning of June. She is from the animal protection and was emaciated to the bones. As a result, she had large wounds on her hip bones, which healed very poorly. In the middle of June I started to treat the wound 2 times a day with the AloeVera Emergency Spray. Already after 2 weeks a clear improvement could be seen. The wound became smaller and even hair sprouted again. I thank LR for this great product and can only recommend it to everyone. Whether human or fur nose!

Dry baby skin gone within a few days

Baby Face & Body Lotion has helped us a lot within a very short time the sores and dry patches of my daughters were gone and never came back. I cream weekly 1x after bathing and it is great. Especially with neurodermatitis. Thank LR for this baby care series we love them.

SOS BOX miracle cure

My hands are open, bloody, cracked, neurodermitis justtotal damaged and despite expensive cream from the pharmacy nothing has helped. Thanks to the Special Care Box within 11 days greatly improved. Thank you LR.

Special Care Box

Severe abrasions after bicycle crash healed well in 14 days.

Wound healing in horse

With Emergency Spray and propolis cream daily application, within four days a wound closure achieved, at a wound, which after two weeks still did not want to heal. Super result! Thank you LR!

Wundheilung beim Pferd

With Emergency Spray and propolis cream brought a wound to heal in four days, which would not heal on its own for two weeks. Since then, the SOS package almost every day in use.

Improvement of the orange skin (cellulites)

I had a clear improvement of the orange peel skin with the correcting cream


I have been suffering from psoriasis for several years, I have tried different treatments that have not worked until now. Thanks to the care box I had an improvement from the first week, I had a reduction of my plaques, redness and itching.

my centimeter turn loss

I lost 5cm of waistline with the body contour gel cream

To heal small wounds

My daughter fell and I applied our emergency spray followed by the concentrate cream and propolis cream that are in our care box Do not hesitate any more it treats all the small boo-boos the insect bites the itchings

care box

My experience with the care box for my sunburn was great in one application the redness decreased and the pain disappeared. Top I recommend

spray d'urgence

After a week of applying the emergency to my scalp, my plaques have disappeared and I am completely satisfied

my foot care

A wonder this cream after one week of application I obtained an incredible result

The essential pharmacy

These 3 products are really great. They are essential in the daily life to take everywhere. Personally it helps me a lot for mosquito bites at the moment with the heat mosquitoes

Express pharmacy with my Care Box

I am more than a fan of the Care Box, employed in the restaurant business, the "little hurts" of everyday life and at work are not what is missing in life! Since I have the Care Box, it is no longer a nuisance, it is even a pleasure for my little cares! The Emergency Spray is a relief and an incredible freshness after a scratch, a blow, a burn and so on... The Concentrated Gel and the spray are totally complementary, thanks to the Gel, my skin heals much better and goodbye to burn marks, superficial scratches that resist! And the Popolis cream, its smell, I love it and its protective film: it allows to have a soft skin... something not very common when you work in the restaurant industry, especially when you are in contact with a lot of limestone in the water.

Facial care

My skin changes all the time with my LR Healt and Beauty facial routine. My face was just dirty, I struggled to find a product that worked for me. And now, two weeks in and everything changes. I love it even more because it's natural and full of aloe vera

Lr Shampoo

After six months of using Nicky cosmetic products, I was losing my hair in big clumps every day... After two months of use I finally have healthy hair again and my daily loss is quite normal now. Thank you LR

Nodular lichen

Hi, I have since about 7 years lichen ruber planus ( on the scalp ) Have wandered from doctor to doctor! For 6 weeks I use Aloe Vera products ( Drinking Gel Sivera , Pro Balance and the SOS Box.... since 1 week also CannAloe ) I could cry with joy!!! The inflammation on the scalp has subsided and it no longer hurts

Care box on a burn

My son burned himself while trying to cook. The Care Box was a quick help. Here is the before and after just 4 days of treatment. Blue ffa you are not

Care box on a burn


Face care

I advise those who want to have a beautiful complexion to use FACE SCRUB and FACE MASK with the DAY CREAM or NIGHT CREAM to moisturize and illuminate your face. From the first use, you can see the difference

How I lost over 32kg in 3 months

How I had to lose 32kd in 3 months and stabilize my health problems

care box

the essential pharmaceutical Swiss Army knife

Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel Cream

Description Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel Cream Aloe Vera moisturizing gel-cream - intense hydration for the face Aloe Vera moisturizing gel-cream refreshes and brightens your skin. Stress and fatigue leave their mark on our skin. The silky and refreshing texture of the Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel-Cream deeply moisturizes the skin. It penetrates quickly and leaves a sensation of softness and lightness on the skin. The ideal solution for combination skin!

Fight wounds in a few days

As moms we know the situation very well. Our child falls down and if you are unlucky the wounds are big. My daughter did not fall on any stones. Her knees were bad. I treated it with sos spray immediately and repeated it about 3 times a day. In 2 days it is almost gone. Otherwise it would have taken a week for sure....

Wound healing after disc surgery

After removing the stitches, before I unfortunately did not have the products, I treated my surgical scar with the products of the Special Care Box. The wound healing was extremely accelerated, the scar remained soft, did not scar negatively and became flat and smooth. The doctors were thrilled with the healing process.


Thanks to the Aloe Vera Special Care Box, my sunburn was quickly painless again.

Hot spot in dog cured with SoS Box

My dog got a big oozing hotspot on his head. After shaving the hair off, I treated it with the spray and Concentrate Gel. After 2 days the weeping was gone and it was already super healed. Then I treated it only a little bit with Propolis. In the meantime it is completely gone again.


Thanks to the Nutri-Repair range, my daughter's hair is softer, shinier and detangles faster, even when dry

pimples and spots were gone

I used the concentrated gel as well as the propolis and in two weeks the pimples and spots were gone. Top products

This is how I cured my mother with aloe vera products on her face Madness!!!

My mother had had a bad fall and I treated her with Aloe Vera products.I took our old known Emergency Spray,Concentrate u.the Propolis Cream to help.After about 1 week the bruise was almost healed madness

Sensational result

My partner's mother had an operation on her eye, as you can see. On my advice, she applied Aloe Vera Gel Concentrate several times a day. After only three applications, the wound was completely healed. Everything was painless and the concentrated aloe vera gel did not run into the eye.

My secret for beautiful hair

It's the nutri repair range from Lr. My hair has less knots, less split ends. My hair is shinier and silkier. I work in a fast food restaurant and my hair is put to the test. With this range my hair is repaired and always smells good.


After 10 days of using only emergency spray the skin became normal.

Psoriasis successfully treated

With the LR Aloe Vera Drinking Gel I have successfully treated my psoriasis in just a few weeks. I am thrilled how fast it went. Medications have not done that in years.

Bubble mask

The detox mask for a radiant complexion

With the care box my daughter no longer scratches her body, even the pimples are starting to disappear

I applied on the skin of my daughter that skin scratched it she also had pimples everywhere 1 week of use she does not scratch anymore and the pimples this begins to disappear I continue

Insect bite

After a walk, my spouse was bitten by an insect (mosquito) Strong itching. We apply the emergency spray combined with the propolis cream. As of the application, no more itchings and at the end of one hour the red plate and the button clearly decreased in size!

Super effective against insect bites!!!!!

The special Care Box has struck again by its effectiveness !!!!! Emergency Spray Concentrate Propolis The winning trio!!!!!

Gentle hand soap

The soap does not dry out the hands at all, quite the contrary! Especially in times of confinement I wash my hands a lot and still no cracks!

BUBBLE MASK! I love it!

The best face mask to purify your skin in my opinion! It makes the skin super soft and it's super fun to do with everyone

My hair is better!

Thanks to the capillary range I found beautiful hair, although I did not spare it with all my colors, but my hairdresser told me that it was not damaged anymore!

Lr Shampoo

After six months of using Nicky cosmetic products, I was losing my hair in big clumps every day... After two months of use I finally have healthy hair again and my daily loss is quite normal now. Thank you LR

Wound progression with our SOS box

This is the course of the wound within a week with our SOS box at a deep cut. It was not stitched, healed very quickly on its own with the help of our "miracle box".

bye bye pimple and blackheads

Local application: Concentrate or Microsilver Universal Cream if inflammation + brush Internally: aloe vera drink honey or peach for a natural detoxification in background treatment 3 times 30ml per day

Psoriasis after 7 weeks of taking aloe vera drinking gel

Nach nur sieben Wochen der Einnahme des Aloe Vera Drink Gels ist meine Schuppenflechte sehr gut zurückgegangen. Ich bin total glücklich, denn ich musste 12 Jahre lang darunter "leiden". Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich diese Möglichkeit bekommen habe. Andere Mittel und Salben haben hier nicht geholfen.

Comment j'ai éradiquer un bouton Un bouton n'est pas esthétique et pour qu'il disparaît cela prend du temps. J'ai d'abord utilisé ma brosse zeitgard pour nettoyer mon visage, puis j'ai utilisé mon peeling ainsi que mon

I first used my zeitgard brush to clean my face, then I used my peeling and my Bubble Mask, the peeling and the Mask I used them twice: the 1st day and the 8th day. In treatment I used my tonic lotion, my day cream and to finish my care box, I applied the concentrated gel and the propolis. Each day I proceeded like this: 1st day Phase of CLEANING Zeitgard Peeling Bubble Mask Treatment phase Tonic Lotion Day cream Concentrated Propolis The other 6 days I used in phase of CLEANING that the Zeitgard brush and the phase of TREATMENT. I applied the concentrated and the propolis only on the zone to be treated. And the last day I used all the products of the phase of CLEANING and TREATMENT. There is no more pimple.

This is how I got a smooth complexion

Thanks to its special combination of active ingredients LR Microsilver Plus provides antibacterial care and protection for demanding skin areas on the face. For irritated,blemished,oily skin and enlarged pores, regular use of wash cream and face cream refines the skin texture and reduces impurities.

Damit habe ich in 4 Wochen ein glattes, feineres Hautbild bekommen

I always have to fight with impurities and I came across the Micro Silver Plus at LR. I've been using it for 4 weeks now and it's getting better by the day. Microsilver Plus facial products cleanse the skin and counteract unwanted bacteria. It contains various zinc compounds and dexpanthenol. Also, the cream is silver gray which stands for the quality feature.

My skin improvement after one week

After a cooking accident I got my injuries very well under control with the Aloe Vera Emergency Package from LR.

Facial care

Here is the result of my face care routine it's amazing.

My tip for a more even complexion

This is how the care boxe helped me with my spots and pimples in only 3 weeks and it's not finished I continue


Since my cat is scratching up because she has a hormone disorder. I had taken it once and it really helped

Testimonials results Carebox

Different before and after of the Carebox on psoriasis, foot hand mouth and eczema

My ritual with Aloe Vera

In the evenings, since I started using this routine, my dry and sensitive skin has been soothed.

Open wound on toe, that's how I got it off.

Due to a stroke, I have a circulatory disorder, which is especially noticeable in my left leg. Again and again open spots on the toes and between the toes. Through the Concentrated Gel I got it under control.

No more dry lips after 2 days!

My daughter had extremely dry lips, when laughing or talking have even bled. After only 2 days of regular use of care Lip Balm lips look perfectly cared for and regenerated.

SOS spray after surgery on animal

Our dear Akira (cat) was operated and I have sprayed after 24 hours 2 times a day our SOS spray on the fresh scar. The whole thing is now 2 weeks ago, she has not licked it around & you noticed also from her side that went very quickly better! Highly recommended!!!!

Aloe Vera 3in1 Shower Gel

Actually, my child loves the Aloe Vera 3in1 shower gel from LR because of the great peach smell.... now after a year of use I notice how healthy and fast her hair has grown. Simply fantastic... thank you LR Liridona

My hair has become so long, healthy & perfect with it

For a year I use the complete hair series (shampoo, conditioner, mask & leave in cure) from LR. Previously, I always used the cheapest there was at DM... my hair was broken, short, dull & totally damaged. But see for yourself

Pasture injury horse

The horse of my daughter had contracted this injury in the paddock. 1st picture after about 1 week of treatment by vet (stapled). Because there was no improvement, she then treated with Emercency Spray and Concentrate. Vet has smiled at first....but the result after a few days speaks for itself.

Belt Rope

My Nachbrin 66 years old and she got belt roses after I treated her with Aloe Vera SOS package is her itching was immediately gone and had light to no more pain and has very well geschlfen in the night

So within 6 days my stretch marks have become less

1 and a half years I have already stretch marks due to pregnancy nothing had helped until I have resorted to the aloe vera gel within 6 days they have become so much better. Only recommend:D

Care box

Change in the appearance of the skin

Rash on the arm. Treated with propolis 1 week and success well visible.

care box

Thanks to the box care my skin is improving and I am satisfied with my products


After barely 1 week already significant improvement. The feet are no longer rough and scratchy. Previous regular peeling and callus rasp etc. have not achieved the results.

Learn my anti-wrinkle secret!

I had a tired face and wrinkles that appeared with itching. A friend of mine recommended ALOE VIA CBD and MILK & HONEY and the results are spectacular.

My hand hurt, was cracked & broken. Now again buttery soft

Sooo crazy

No more dry feet!!!

Since using the Repairing Foot Cream, my feet are less dry and without cracks!

Aloe vera against dry skin

Especially in the winter months my skin starts to dry out very quickly. From the dermatologist I only got a cortisone and a fat cream, which have not really helped. With the Aloe Vera Propolis and Concentrated Gel, however, you can already see a significant improvement after 7 days.

Three times faster through first aid box

Deep incision healed scar-free by First Aid Box. First picture after two days, second picture after six weeks.

Detoxify, purify and deacidify a matter of the heart

It is madness. Due to the fact that I had a lot more on the ribs and my heart cabilaren have closed, I was left only the way to the surgery. After that, something had to change in my life! I made myself about the Aloe Vera kündig. I had to have it and try it. After one week I already felt so good, asange no longer !!! My body has generated itself and let my blood values shoot up! I can only recommend it to everyone, A JOY IN THE HEART in the true sense of the word.

Wound healing in dogs with aloe vera

My sister's dog has injured while walking. In only 2 days the wound is closed again! Used the Emergency Spray and the Contentrate!

Allergy to sea water

My daughter had an allergic reaction to seawater. With the Aloe Vera Propolis, 15 minutes later, her skin became normal again.

Skin burn - treatment with aloe vera special care box

My colleague at work has had a domestic accident at home while cooking (hot water with pot). The burns have been to raw meat/bone. According to doctors at the hospital, this would take over weeks and undergo some surgery with skin grafts. Medications such as cortisone and antibiotics have not worked. Between the two pictures, 3 weeks of treatment with the aloe vera box. No surgery and skin has renewed. He is so grateful to me.........

Result box ALOE VERA

Here are my results after only 1 month of using the ALOE VERA box. I had big stains on my face but fortunately the aloe vera box exists and it is my favorite. I am delighted with it.

Wound healing with colostrum and aloe vera propolis

Before the surgery of the hand, the immune system was strengthened with colostrum for better wound healing and about 10 days after the surgery, the wound was treated with aloe vera with propolis for better scar formation and against scar hardening. Despite the usual problems with wound healing (due to sugar), the wound healed quite quickly and well. Between the photos are 20 days

Aloe vera Box Pflege

The Care-Box has changed my life! The psoriasis on my feet was greatly relieved after only two weeks of use.

Result of the aloe vera box

Here is a result after 5 minutes of application

Smoother feet

Foot cream has helped to make my feet smoother and it's more pleasant every day.

Wow just 1.5 hours later

After an insect bite, I sprayed the area with Aloe Vera Quick Emergency Spray. The itching immediately subsided and the swelling and redness became less and less. I am really thrilled!

My experience with psoriasis

I have had very severe psoriasis (all over my body, from head to toe). With psoriasis, the skin forms 7 times faster than with normal skin. A big trigger for this was and is stress in my case. When the psoriasis started to spread, I went to the dermatologist who gave me tablets against it, the psoriasis did not go away but I had kept it in check. From year to year I had to increase the dosage of the tablets to stop the further spread, which did not work without side effects from the beginning (stomach ache, mood swings, etc.) and I had to constantly go under medical supervision. After 5 years, I was out of therapy, the tablets were no longer effective in the highest doses. My next option would have been drugs that would have been equivalent to chemotherapy, where I had heard of bad experiences with acquaintances (unconsciousness, etc.) and so I decided against these drugs. My psoriasis spread more and more, so much so that I hardly had a spot left where I was not affected. My fear of dying increased all the more, because once everything is covered with psoriasis, you suffocate. The skin can no longer breathe. Then LR products came to me, I tried them out, because I had nothing to lose. I got a lot of tips, collected them, then implemented them by trying them and had success and got my attitude to life back. :-) Now my experience and application with LR products against psoriasis. I first started with 3x10ml AV Sivera and then slowly increased. Later I took Pro Balance and added Colostrum daily (according to the instructions). Once a week I took a bath with Pro Balance. Simply wonderful ;-)


if the cheesecake is turned too early and is not yet the consistency or has been in the oven for too short a time


By regularly taking the ALOE VERA DRINKING GEL, I have got my skin disease PSORIASIS under control. I am thrilled and no longer have any itching.

Smooth skin and less girth

After 5 days 7cm less abdominal girth and visibly smoother and firmer skin thanks to our Aloe Vera shaping body gel.

Free from a severe 10-year skin disease in only 7 months

In 2000, I started to suffer from a skin disease that neither various doctors nor HPs could define for me, let alone tell me where it came from or how I could cure and get rid of it. 2 years of running the gauntlet and about 10,000 euros out of my own pocket later, I was neither smarter nor did the problem subside, no, it got much worse. The first photo was taken in 2005. In 2006, the problem spread to my feet and the whole body and became even more intense. At the beginning of 2011 I got the tip that I should carefully deacidify, purify, detoxify and degrease my body..... with the help of aloe vera from the inside, acid-base minerals and a probiotic preparation to repopulate the intestines. After initial resistance and already bad experiences with aloe vera in 2003, I went for it...... 7 months later, all the blisters, the oozing, the itching, the skin symptoms had completely disappeared. The skin regenerated in the following months, and after about 1-1.5 years, both the hands and the feet looked fresh and vital again. The second photo is from 2016, nothing has reappeared so far and the skin appearance today is still the same as at the beginning of 2012.


I had to undergo radiotherapy and treated the burns with aloe vera several times a day. After only 30 days, my skin was completely regenerated and looked like a "baby's bottom".

This is how we fought our neurodermatitis from the outside!

My son had neurodermatitis. I had already given up hope, but with the SOS care box we beat the neurodermatitis within 3 days.

Visible results after two weeks of use

Great results on these hands. In only two weeks. Use of the aloe vera box called "Bobo Box" and the aloe vera hand cream as a complement.

Healthy skin thanks to AloeVera!

Hello everyone, As you can see, 2 years ago I had constantly reddened and inflamed skin under my eye. and inflamed skin under the eye. I have been drinking AloeVera for 2 years now and also use the cream with propolis, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect and at the same time provides fantastic care due to the high aloe content. See the results for yourself! The madness! =) I am really grateful that I was allowed to get to know these products.

Neurodermatitis from extremely bad to pure unscarred skin in just under 2 months

Elli 12 months, extreme neurodermatitis (cheeks, arms, nappy area open, oozing, festering, blistering), blood stains on pillow and pyjamas due to scratching / after only 2 months pure, unscarred skin. CONCLUSION: since healthy skin - hair grows, - eats everything, - sleeps through the night,


Burn almost healed within 3 days.

Haematoma before and after 18 hours

Our daughter is not a lucky girl at the moment ;( A large haematoma developed within seconds. By applying Aloe Vera Concentrate it now looks like this after 18 hours. Madness !!! The gel not only cools the wound down but also has an extraordinary effect that I can't even comprehend yet! It is definitely part of my herbal pharmacy.

Aloe Vera simply super

After an accident with a flex. Treatment with Aloe Vera Emergency Spray, Aloe Vera Cream with Propolis. Super healing, I would not have thought. After 12 days, it doesn't get any better.

Grandson with neurodermatitis

Were with me on holiday. And of course the good "cream" from the dermatologist wasn't with me. That was my luck. I got Emergency Spray and Concentrate. After two days it was as good as gone. Casper then came every day and said to me, "Grandma, please put some cream on. He noticed for himself that it did him good, which was a great experience for all of us.

Allergy on the face

Colleague started cleaning with Micro Silver and moisturising with Emergency Spray on 8.5.15. After almost 4 weeks, her quality of life was much much better. She said thank you for letting me try it.

Facial erysipelas Acute condition

Triggered on 12.08. - After use of Cistus Incanus,Colostrum, Aloe Vera, Probiotics see result 19.08. Please still have the human doctor accompany and check progress in case of facial erysipelas due to the enormous danger. Isn't that impressive?

Aloe Vera Concentrate and Emergeny Spray

I won't give it away again. Last year I had a sudden skin rash that just wouldn't go away. After countless ointments and doctor's visits, I ordered the Aloe Vera Box from LR (I thought it was worth a try). I could never have imagined that it would have such an incredible effect. The very next day I saw the improvement! My conclusion: I will never give the Aloe Vera Box away again.

Concentrate for burns

A customer burnt herself with hot broth. Only on the 4th day after the burn she treated the wound with LR Conzentat. The skin regenerated in only 3 days by applying the product 5-6 times a day.

The healing power of aloe vera on the skin

After a fall from my bicycle, I had a large abrasion on my left forearm. After only 14 days, the injury had healed very well thanks to Aloe Vera. Today there is not even a scar to be seen. Simply great!

First aid box Aloe Vera for an accident at work

In a work accident (fall between tail lift and ramp) in February, my left leg was affected and the skin was very busy, through Aloe Vera First Aid Box, the wound quickly grew shut again in two days, I can recommend for everyone at home or at work.

It can happen so quickly ......

...... Once I wasn't paying attention and I was already cut. The wounds that took me many days to heal are now visibly better after only 2 days. Only a small scar reminds me of the very deep cut. Many thanks LR